Wednesday, August 29, 2007

After living in the library, I've realized . . .

-it only feels good to sit in the rolly chairs
-i can hear ppl even though they are in separate rooms
-markers make the boards colorful
-ppl with earphone's still yell at other ppl to be quiet
-i can spend a full hour of good study time checking facebook
-the temperature never gets warmer
-the bathrooms always have that one door that never shuts all the way
-my water bottle runs out before i do
-there's always that stupid alarm that goes off after 12a
-vending machines, instead of giving u something to eat, eat your money
-laptop batteries die quicker at the library
-i go to the bathroom way too much
-google is my friend
-there's a lady that actually lives the library
-my two twin boyfriends in the library, finally changed their study
locations (i think i scared em with my lucious lips)
-i can hear rochelle laugh from two floors away :)
-young and al like to talk to their boyfriends
-u can never have enough snacks
- the 3rd sink in the restroom never shuts off
- there are certain groups of people here all the time
- study rooms were made to socialize
- almost everyone with a laptop/computer in front of them is not studying
-anyone who is smiling is not studying
-i spend more time here then i do in my actual home

Joys of the library!

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